Position:home>Technical information>The clean air that what is air purifier is measured (CADR) principle
The clean air that what is air purifier is measured (CADR) principle
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Clean air is measured (Clean Air Delivery Rate, abbreviate is CADR) it is one involves indoor air purifier to the product uses a feature and can mirror the function target that gives its to purify ability, the unit is M3/h. Want to make indoor air quality reachs certain clean level, have two requirement. The first, must make sure indoor air achieves certain times of air replacement, ask namely clean implement inside the fan of buy has certain wind force. The 2nd, clean implement purify efficiency to must be compared tall. Clean air is measured (CADR) is can mensurable token clean implement above the physical quantity of two requirement. CADR value is greater, of purifier purify efficiency taller. Use CADR value, can evaluate air purifier after running proper time, purify is indoor the effect of air contaminant. General calculation method is, in certain dimension V indoor measure indoor air purifier but the chroma of inspiratory grain content, record the run time T when chroma reduces 90 % , press type calculates CADR: CADR = 2.3V/t; V: Room ton: Stere; T: Quantum of time: Hour. The CADR value of general and indoor air purifier is less than 100, namely a CADR is the air purifier of 100, if want to be purified inside 1 hour,can smoke person grain substance of 90% , it can be used inside the room of 42m3 cubage only. If room height is 3m, criterion usable floor area is 14 square metre.